Friday 2 December 2011

Renal rule 2 : Congenital lesions

¨Fetal lobulation
Appears as a mass with the same density as that of the rest of the normal renal tissue

¨Renal mal-rotation
Normal rotation of the kidney in fetal life and various types of renal malrotation
A, Reversed rotation, which is rare
B, Primitive fetal position of the kidney with the hilum pointing forward. A persistent fetal position is referred to as an absent or incomplete rotation; this is the most common form of renal malrotation
C, Normal postnatal position with the hilum pointing medially and slightly forward (*, aorta)
D, Over rotation, which is rare. All these anomalies of rotation can be unilateral or bilateral
¨Retro-aortic left renal vein
¨Ectopic kidneys
Empty renal areas and when you go down , you can see kidney in pelvis
¨Horse shoe kidney
Horseshoe kidney with fusion of the inferior poles, spreading apart of the superior poles, and failure of rotation. The renal pelves enter the kidneys on their anterior aspect
¨Renal duplication 
with upper moiety obstruction
Difficult to be evaluated by CT, you will find in the upper sections hydro- nephrotic kidney , then when you go down , you find another normal kidney
Follow ureters for complete or incomplete duplication of ureters

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