Friday 2 December 2011

Renal rule 1 : Anatomy

¨Gerota’s fascia is a cone with its apex in the iliac fossa
¨Communicates across the midline plane
¨Contents: Adrenal gland , kidney ,renal vessels , fat and collecting system
¨Any renal pathology penetrates Gerota’s  fascia---considered to be stage 4 (inoperable)
¨CT diameters=12x6x3 cm
¨You should have pre and post-contrast studies for Calcium and stones
renal and retroperitoneal fascias: fascia transversalis (1), anterior sheet of the Gerota's fascia (2), parietal peritoneum (3), perinephric fat (Capsula adiposa) (4), paranephric fat (5), M. quadratus lumborum (6), M. erector spinae (7)
¨Arterial phase is the best for detection of renal tumors
¨Renal CT density=30-50 HU
¨Cortex and medulla are not differentiated without contrast
¨Anatomic location is from xiphoid to umbilicus
¨Reconstructed CT images is very essential for evaluation of masses which you can not reach its origin, is is hepatic , adrenal or kidney

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