Tuesday 29 November 2011

Orbital rule 17: Lacrymal glands lesions

A-Unilateral lesions:

-Acute and chronic dacryoadenitis.
-Inflammatory pseudo tumor.
-Heterogeneous or ring enhancement.

-Primary (benign or malignant) or secondaries
So, when you find a unilateral enlargement of one Lacrymal gland ,you write in your report:
Evidence of unilateral Lacrymal gland enlargement, picture suggestive of inflammatory versus neoplastic lesion for further evaluation.

Signs of inflammation or neoplastic
          1-Ring enhancement with evidence of brain abscess (intra cranial extension).
          2-Unilateral enlargement with homogenous enhancement suggests benign neoplasm as pleomorphic or mixed adenoma or dermoid cyst.
           Unilateral enlargement with Heterogeneous enhancement and or bone erosion ,  suggests malignant process such as carcinoma , lymphoma or metastases.

B-Bilateral lesions

          2-Auto immune disease such as
              Sjogrens syndrome or
               Mikulics syndrome.
          5-Wagener’s granulomatosis.
          6-Grave’s disease.
                               M A W G         S  A  L                   موج سال

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