Tuesday, 8 November 2011

MSQ rule 1: Basics for MRI musculo skeletal diagnosis

To know how to diagnose MRI film of musculo skeletal system, you should first have a good knowledge about composition of this system.
It is composed of the following:

1-Cortical bone






Then secondly, you should know how they appear in normal state and in abnormal condition.

1-Cortical Bone:
Normally appear hypo intense in T1 & T2.

Normally appear hypo intense in T1 & T2.
If it is affected with tendinitis, it will appear as a grey shadow inside the tendon.
If it is teared, it will appear as hyper intense shadow inside the tendon.
If it appears hypo intense but surrounded by hyper intense rounded shadow, it is tenosynovitis.
If it is not surrounded by a synovial sheath as tendon achyles, and surrounded by hyper intense rounded shadow, it is peritendinitis.
If it appears enlarged but with normal signal, this means chronic injury.

Normally appear hypo intense in T1 & T2.
If it is teared, it appear as a collection of  blood.

Normally does not seen except if it contain fluid, it will seen as a hyper intense area.
.Normally does not seen in joint space, it will be seen as a hyper intense area inside the joint space.
Normally appear hypo intense in T1 & T2.

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